On this website, you know all actions and shows the artist TONI ORTIZ. Drawing applied to the show.

Street performances: drawing 3d, cubiart, speed painting, Il Paradiso di Toto, eel magical tale, cartoonist, TOTEM.

Theater shows: Cubiart, speed painting, Il Paradiso di Toto, the magical tale.

Caricatures: can i buy order your caricature and request that you let us come to make a caricature live.
Decorated walls.

Through this page we certainly know better and be able to contact us with any questions or comments.


Toni Ortiz has been a drawing and painting professional since 2001.

Artist specialized in bringing the art of drawing and painting to the world of entertainment.

This is demonstrated by the 3D DRAWINGS, CUBIART, TOTEM, shows; which have allowed him to perform his works in many countries: Spain, France, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Egypt, Oman, Kuwait, India, Morocco, Portugal, Denmark, Senegal, Switzerland, Austria, USA, Mexico , Qatar.

On this website you can also see other shows and actions that you can hire. SAND ART, CUBIART, SPEED PAINTING, GIANT MURAL/ARTISTS FOR A DAY, TOTEM, ARTEM NOSTRUM.

CARICATURES; As for caricatures, you can order your caricature either as a gift or similar. You can also order the service of having Toni come and make live caricatures for you.

In the NEWS section, you can see what he is doing.







    Toni Ortiz : Puigjaner, 43
: 08519 Folgueroles (Barcelona)   tel. 0034 666 926 763   toni@estuditoniortiz.com   CONTACTE  


the best 3d drawing by Toni Ortiz